Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011

Day 7 of the challenge

A picture of yourself befor lolita came into your life..

Okay...that's really bad, because...before lolita comes in my life I was a shy little and fat girl.
I hated my life and I hated my look. It was bad.

I destroy EVERY single photograph. EVERYTHING. But I found a photo on web. It's from school. Can't believe it but...here it is:

I WAS the girl on the right side. Yes...the fat girl, totally right.

This is my past and I really hope it will be the past for EVER and EVER and EVER.
I'm glad about my new myself. I'm glad about my new life. I'm glad to found beautiful friends and I really wanna thank you all.

Thank you Nicole - You was the first lolita I ever met. I was soooo shy and happy...unbelievable. Now you are not a lolita anymore, but a really good friend and I love to talk with you the whole night. You are a great person and I'm really happy to know you ^_^.

Thank you Yana - First meet was on a christmas-lolitameeting. I was staring at your dress but too shy to talk to you ^///^. On the next meeting I was talk to you and I'm really happy about it. Now you are a nice friend and I'm so proud of it, because you are a great lolita and a nice nice nice person. ( Wow...sooo many nices xD )

Thank you Merry :D - That's funny! First meet was a lolitashooting in a park and I was starring at your pink hair all the time and think " Oh my god...I want them, too......". Then I realize that you are a funny and nice person, too! And you life in the same fucking part of the city like me! xD I'm happy to know you <3.

Love you girls <3

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